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Business/ Salesmanship Bootcamp
Terms & Conditions
Walk It Out America offers a Business and Salesmanship Bootcamp to educate youth on developing skills that will guide them away from a life of crime and more toward becoming productive citizens within their communities.
Ages that may Participate
Youth ages 6-25 may participate in the program.
Youth under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian's permission to participate.
What Youth Get:
1. An Official LLC (or business entity) in Youth's Name
2. An Official EIN (Employee Identification Number)
3. A Business Bank Account
4. Interactive eCommerce Website to Market Products/Services
5. Salesmanship/ Fundraising Training to Generate Funds for College and/or Entreprenuership
6. Business Principles/ Business Terms/ Business Concepts
Fundraising Initiatives
Youth will be taught fundraising methods and strategies marketing the Walk It Out America FREE Orientation held every Saturday morning at 9am in-person at participating locations (and via zoom nationwide). Invited guess will learn about the Business/ Salesmanship Bootcamp and be given an opportunity to DONATE to support the youth who invited them -or- if they choose to become a member of Walk It Out America, a portion of their initiation fee will go to the youth who invited them as the youth's fundraiser. Note: 50% of the donation and/or the initiation fee will be forwarded to youth as the youth's fundraiser.
Each youth is encouraged to utilized the methods and strategies taught to invite 20+ new prospective members to the FREE Orientation each week. If all 20 invited guest decide to become members, the youth raises a total of $1000 for that particular week (on that paricular day).
Establishing the Official LLC (or business entity)
Each youth participating in the program will be given guidance on establishing and building his/her business. To show appreciation for this guidance, each business agrees to make a 10% weekly donation to the Business/ Salesmanship Bootcamp as soon as the business reaches the level of profitability. This 10% donation is 100% voluntary and will not be enforced as a 'payment due" or debt.
Weekly Business/ Salesmanship Meetings (Via Zoom)
Weekly zoom meetings will be on Wednesday nights. Scheduled times are as follows:
1. 6:30pm - 7:30pm for youth ages 6-15
2. 7:30pm - 8:30pm for youth ages 16-25.
Fees Associated with Establishing Youth Business
All fees associated with youth business will be the responsibility of the business itself. Some of these fees are as follows:
- Articles of Incorporation
- Monthly Banking Fees
- Website Maintenance Fees
- Marketing Fees
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